
Busy November

November is setting up to be quite a busy month, as if last month wasn't busy enough.  In October we invested a great amount of time working on budgets for ProMETA, hosting a faculty rep from BIOLA University, gearing up for some promotional initiatives for the coming months, and four days of ProMETA strategic planning meetings as we look toward the next five years. And of course, Judy keeps busy with her passion: teaching missionary children at the MK school. On top of those activities, as a member of the ReachGlobal team, I have virtual meetings twice a month with the area leadership team with the concommitant responsibilities produces by those meetings, frequent meetings with various team members, etc., etc.  In November, we'll be spending nearly three full days in a team spiritual retreat with ReachGlobal veteran missionaries, George and Donna Warren.  Also, we're gearing up for presenting ProMETA to nearly 1,000 leaders at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit, Nov 19-20.  And, the office here in Costa Rica is getting ready for the next quarter that begins in January.