
Three-year goals for LATN

We've made reference recently to LATN's goals for 2011. What follows is the text of the ten goals to be accomplished by October 2011.

By the grace and enabling of God, LATN will have...

1. Created a learning community which unmistakably reflects Christ-like character in its staff and students.
2. Crafted a graduate curriculum in theology and leadership that strikes at the heart of the needs of 21st century Ibero- American leaders.
3. Produced a full catalog of outstanding courses for graduate programs in theology and leadership.
4. Enrolled 350 Ibero-American leaders with 200 of them having significant influence upon other leaders beyond their local context.
5. Established a presence in least 18 countries with certified country coordinators.
6. Mobilized 20 certified mentors skilled in leading vibrant learning communities.
7. Formed strategic alliances with 10 institutions and organizations.
8. Received accreditation from a national or regional association.
9. Served as a regional catalyst for excellence and innovation in distance education.
10. Developed a robust, sustainable and reproducible business model for the institution.